Annual Program Planning Workshop

NSCRD Staff will facilitate a NC&SRCP Steering Committee through the creation of an Annual Program Plan for sport, culture & recreation programs in the community and school. The process will review where the program is; where it would like to go; and where the potential is for the program to make the most impact. Contact your Community Relations Coordinator to set up a workshop in your community!

Program Planning Guide Download PDF


Using NSCRD promotional material and a needs survey – NSCRD Staff can facilitate a Community Input evening.  The program is an informal gathering and meal with community members interested in learning more about the NC&SRCP and to provide input into the type of programming they want to see in their community.  Feedback generated through the event can be used to facilitate the development of the CSRC’s Annual Program Plan. Contact your Community Relations Coordinator to set up a schedule a program in your community!

Other  Tools and Resources For Program Planning

Samples and templates are available for use and/or modification as needed to meet community needs and employer human resource policies and procedures.

Program Development Tools

Program Ideas and Plans

Volunteer Recruitment and Leadership Tools